Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Refleksi Alpro Pertemuan ke -5

At its fifth meeting, we discussed about the function, where the father was a lecturer at the meeting to give an example of the concept lestoran, which was contained within the cover member as <maint functions> boss that only served to give the task and manage subordinates <inputan>, treasurer as <pemenej > that is in charge memenejemen money, cook as input and output is in charge of cooking and produce food, the service does not accept clinning input and produces no output but just do something, the buyer asked the waiters waiters to order a meal, after paying kekasir, cashier receives and produce outputan.  
From the example of the concept that it can be concluded lestoran of a program are the use of functions in which there are parts of a function that has the role of each.
5.2 Backing case the function that determines the largest value of two integers.
using Raptor

how to create functions on the raptor is;
Intermediate replaced 

cara untuk membuat fungsi pada raptor adalah;
1.Pilih menu Mode kemudian klik Intermediate
2.menu main klik kanan kemudian klik add procedure
3.memberi nama main yang diinginkan...
4.Setelah itu tulis tinggal membuat programnya.


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